Welcome to my new life in Africa…

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Questions from Dad

So my dad emailed me some good question that I thought I would share with everyone while I have internet (prewrote them in word):

What is your broadband situation at the guest home?
-I have absolutely no internet or phone service at my house. Half the group is in the town of Bafia (they have internet if they go to our school in the area) and half the group (including myself) is in a village about an hours walk away called Lable. Lable has barely in cell service and definitely no internet. However, in about a month, the groups switch towns so my communication abilities might improve in the coming future.
How are you sleeping?
-I am having the best sleep of my life! Weird, huh? My head hits the pillow and I am out like a light. This is probably a combination of the crazy amount of stuff I am doing during the day and heat exhaustion (the Bafia area is one of the most humid in Cameroun).
What can we be praying for?
-If people could pray that my faith would continue to be strong I would greatly appreciate it.
Do you need us to send you anything?
-HAND SANITIZER!! I thought I brought a good enough supply to cover me for a while but its only going to legitimately last me two months. So if you want me to avoid diseases of all kinds, I would greatly appreciate it. Also, CANDY and the CHEESE packets in mac and cheese. I can get the pasta here but there is no cheese 
How is your French? Did they test you for fluency?
-Mon francaise est ameliore (its getting better). Honestly, Gramps speaks no english and we talk for hours every day so you can imagine that my French has improved just a bit. They’re right, total immersion is the way to go.
Tell us about your guest family?
-As I mentioned earlier, I live with a 70 year old man who I call Gramps. I thought we also lived with his grandson named Patrice. I have come to learn that Patrice is not related to Gramps and is just the son of a friend of Gramps. Patrice stays with us because his mechanic school is near the house.
I look at the weather everyday for you – it looks like it rains everyday. Is that difficult?
-It does rain about every day but I love it. The only bad thing is the humidity it creates. Well, and the amount of insects it forces indoors (I woke up the other day to about 20 baby spiders crawling on me in my bed…not the best moment haha)
Did all your stuff make it with you?
-Everything but the knives I packed. They were stolen somewhere en route. Maybe you can help me out in this area, mom?
What are you eating? Do you have to cook?
-I am eating a ton of fish soup with cous-cous (a much worse version than the one you know). I am not a huge fan of this but I am a fan of the fantastic bananas and pineapple! Also, Gramps makes me tomato omelets every morning which are amazing. I haven’t cooked anything so far but I need to learn soon so I’m not way unprepared for post in a couple of months.
How do you spend your days off so far?
So here is my schedule:
1) I wake up at 5:30 am and draw water from the well for my morning bath
2) I eat a petit dejeuner with Gramps and walk to the village chief’s house (5 minutes) where a peace corps truck picks a bunch of us up to take us to the school in Bafia (15 minutes)
3) I have French and health technical classes from 7:30 till noon, lunch from noon to 2 and more French and health technical from 2 till 4:30
4) Then, I might catch a beer with other volunteers but most of the time I go back to my house and hang out with the village kids and Gramps (I’m trying to teach them chess but my French is definitely not at that level yet and it is chess, afterall)
5) Dinner of soup de poisson is usually at 7:30 and then I am in bed and asleep by 9:30
So I will try to post pictures soon but the internet and electricity is crazy spotty so we will see…


  1. Hi, Hunter! I'm thrilled to hear from you. I've started studying French and I plan on sending my medical stuff on Friday. Hopefully I'll know where I'm going by mid-November. Take care of yourself and I can't wait to hear more.


  2. I love it!!! keep updating:) I sent you a package at the beginning of this week:) Let me know if it arrives. Love Mim
